Monday, November 19, 2012

It's All in the Name

So the title for our blog is “Adventures in Teaching (and babysitting)”.  I chose this because originally Tyler was going to contribute entries about teaching, he has since decided not to.  Mostly I think because it is far too easy for him to write all of the negative things that happen and then the blog becomes a space for complaining.  And of course I don’t write about adventures in teaching because as most of you know I am still at home with Reed.  There have been opportunities for me to work however the waiting list for daycare is a yearlong wait and there is just no one to take Reed.  And so the “Adventure in Babysitting” was more of an homage to the 1987 film staring Elizabeth Shue of the same name.  But it was a bit of lie because I really don’t consider staying home with my own child babysitting plus none of my posts have been about babysitting (or baby rearing) at all.  Well that might change.

It turns out the title may have been a little prophetic.  There is a teacher here who has a foster child.  He is 2 years old and after her mom leaves to go back to her own life, the 2 year old needs a babysitter (he of course is on the waiting list for daycare, he has been for a while now). Which as I’m sure you have all guessed is where I come in.  Starting December 8th I will be babysitting and thus having “Adventures in Babysitting”. Some maybe even worth writing about.  I have to say I’m a little torn about the prospect.  On the one hand, Reed and William get along very well and it will be great for Reed to have someone closer to his own age to socialize with.  William is a very well behaved little boy so it will be a good way to make a little extra cash.  However, I really enjoy just having Reed and I at home.  Reed is napping twice a day, which means that in the AM I get to nap too.  And then in the PM I get to nap a second time or clean up or read a book or do some knitting or get something started for supper.  Take today for instance, with Reed in bed this afternoon I was able to finish the laundry, put a chicken in the oven…with stuffing.  Peel and cut the potatoes, carrots, parsnips and beets and do the dishes.  Before Reed went for a nap I was able to bundle him up and take him in the sled to the store/post office.  I collected our packages (thank you Judi and Dan) and had room in the sled for baby and boxes (I should note that yes we have snow, lot’s of it and pulling a sled is the easiest way to travel with baby and bags/boxes).  Having a second child with me will make getting out and running errands (well errand there isn’t that much to do here) that much more time consuming and complicated.  I’m sure it will actually be fine…but I’m going to miss that morning nap!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing more! I am so interested in your daily life! WOW! I want to teach in the North someday, but I bet its a million times better having a little family instead of being there alone! Write soon ok!! from Erin Bredin
