Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Move

I know…it’s been a long time.  I was going to write yesterday but I couldn’t.  I mean I physically could have but I had nothing nice to say.  You see, yesterday the Red Septic Light of Death came on.  This is not your run of the mill yellow warning you will soon be running out of septic space (no that light came on Saturday) this was the red light, STOP! do not let another drop of water go down the drains.  And to ensure that no water goes down the drains the water is automatically shut off until the sewage is pumped.  So you think well that sucks and I’m sure some of you think oh well you’ll just have to wait a day or two to shower.  Except, because the yellow warning light was on we hadn’t showered in a couple of days.  I know someone suggested showering at the school to save water, except neither school in town have showers, the gym doesn’t have showers and although there is a pool in town and I suspect they will have showers, it’s not open yet.  It was suppose to open September 22nd, I think they’re saying next week…we’ll see.  (We take a lot of sponge baths here, readying ourselves for one day when we might be bed ridden and it be the only way to clean).  Anyway we ended up going to someone else’s house for showers, a perfectly acceptable thing to do in Salluit, we also took some of her tap water so we could do some dishes.  We have drinking water on hand here but we didn’t want to waste it on dishwashing.  Anyway the septic truck came this morning ( I could have kissed those guys for showing up to work today, not everyone does all the time).  So I’m in a much better frame of mind to be writing today.  Today I can talk about all the great things about Salluit and our new (to us) house.  And I believe I’ve promised some pictures of said house. 

So we moved from our apartment to a house across town.  We liked the apartment because we liked our building members and it was very close to school (30 ish steps) and we lived on the top floor so we had a good view looking over the town towards the mountains.  But the apartment had some drawbacks.  It was small, Reeds room was right beside…well everything.  When he went to bed you had to be somewhat quiet.   (He’s a pretty good sleeper, and we just aren’t that quiet of people), but the doors didn’t block much sound and so it was almost like you were right in his room.  Also we lived upstairs so it was quite the sight watching me try to take a baby, a stroller and groceries up the stairs.  Plus the halls in the building were narrow so if I had the stroller out, no one was getting by us.  But it was home (for a while) and we were pretty comfortable there.

Here is what it looked like

This first picture is our kitchen Reed was playing with the drawers beside the oven and fell, I took this picture about 1/2 after he fell over.  He was quite happy to lay there and "chat".  He did finally roll over, get up and walk away.  He just needed a break from all that playing.  As you can see, the kitchen was not that wide (not even two Reeds).

 Here is the living room.  We actually changed the furniture around so it made more sense, especially when the tv arrived.  This was before all of our stuff arrived and it seems to be the only picture  I have of the living room.
 While taking the picture above and the picture below I was standing in the same place just pivoting to get both shots.

Now let me tell you why I love the house.  It’s two stories, you might think this would be a negative thing since toddlers like to climb (and fall down) stairs. We have a baby gate, in fact I brought a baby gate and I just bought a baby gate from Costco.ca, I love free shipping (but more about that another day).  So the stairs aren’t really a problem.  When it’s Reeds bedtime, he can sleep soundly upstairs, while we watch tv, listen to music, cook, dance, talk whatever we are going to do until bed time.  I’ll admit we don’t usually do a whole lot of dancing…maybe we should start. 

Tyler and Reed making towers with blocks.  (This picture is mid move, hence the chaos).

This is the living room and our little thug.  The dinning room and kitchen are on the other side of those stairs, I don't have a picture at this time.

 I am taking this picture from the dinning room table, if you could see past the stairs you would be looking at the living room.  This is Reed and his little friend Liam.  Under the stairs is Reed's favourite place to play.

I was worried we would lose the view.  But from the upstairs of this house we have a better view, we can see the bay from our upstairs and the mountains that surround it, which are actually pretty nice right now all covered with snow.  We also see ugly parts of town from our upstairs but it’s amazing how quickly you can train your eyes not to see that part.  And it’s pretty amazing what a little snow can cover up.  (A future post will be pictures of the town).

When you come in our house there is a porch, a place to take off your snow covered boots, to hang your huge winter jacket, to store a stroller and big bulky winter gear.  I have also found this room useful if Reed is napping when we get back from a walk.  This room is separated from the rest of the house by a door so it’s quiet and dark in there with the lights off, perfect for napping.

Our new house is a little bit further from school than the apartment was it’s about a 5 to 7 minute walk but we are much closer to the stores.  By stores I mean the two stores in town, the Co-op and the Northern.  Both stores have a little bit of everything.  You can even buy a 10” compound miter saw at the Co-op (I know because Tyler wants to buy it, we’re not going to).  They have everything but it’s expensive.  The Northern houses the post office.  When we moved here the woman who went back south, left us her P.O. Box as well as her house.  There haven’t been P.O.boxes available in town for about 7 ish years now, so we’re pretty lucky to have made friends with her before she left.  She also left us 20 or so pounds of frozen bananas (maybe more, there are a lot of bananas here), so I make banana oatmeal chocolate chip muffins regularly. And she left us two sleds.  She used them for carting groceries.  I will use them for that and for carting a baby around town.

I will (someday) write a blog entry about food and groceries but for now let’s stick to the house. 

Speaking of food, the kitchen is much bigger here and there is plenty more storage in the entire house.  The furniture is in better shape and is much nicer here and we have a huge kitchen table, we could actually have someone over for dinner sometime.

The house is on a corner right on the outskirts of what is called “downtown” Salluit, I kid you not.  Downtown Salluit is known to be loud and boisterous at night, particularly after payday.  We are in a louder part of town than the apartment, but it could be worse, we could live right “downtown”.  Besides it’s getting colder so soon the partiers and kids will have to move inside.  I suspect it will quiet down as the temperature drops.

Oh and it’s a 3 bedroom instead of 2.  Which means we have a workout room/office/sewing room/weaving room/spare room. 

This one is Reed's room.

The spare room.

And I don't have a picture of our room at the moment but here is our huge walk in closet.  (Sorry it's sideways but if I don't publish this entry now, I may never.)  It's even bigger than that, there is more closet behind the door.

So if you’re in the area, I can give you a bed.  I can’t guarantee a shower, but I can give you a place to sleep with a great view.

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